• 05/11/2019
  • Hot Tub Research

Some thoughts to have BEFORE buying a Hot tub – Part 3

Part 3:  Why shouldn’t I buy from the internet?

Today everything is available to purchase online, you bet its convenient!  Easy to just sit comfortably in my chair and shop, right?  Yep, that is easy, but what are you missing by doing this?  How can you possibly know if the seats sit too high or too low?  How can you see the quality of the cabinets and construction?  How do you know if the seats are even comfortable?  Well, you can’t tell any of these things by shopping online.  We haven’t even scratched the surface yet? NOPE!  How is it insulated for where I live in the country?  If I live in the northern USA I’m going to need better insulation (energy efficiency) than if I live in New Orleans, USA.  What about delivery?  The manufacturer will provide you with curb side delivery.  What on earth do I do now?  How do I get it to where I want it?  Who do I get to service it when it breaks?  These are great questions you should ask yourself before you click on that order button.  Your local dealers in your hometown are not going to happy about you “stepping out on them”.  But even worse than that, how are they going to get the parts?  When you go to a local dealer (in your neighborhood) you are buying a product AND a service from them in which they have access to the correct part that you need.  When you purchase online, they are likely not even able to get the part(s) that you need to fix the tub.  The internet is full of tubs from China that pop up websites (with “American” type names), sell to a many “suckers” and then close the website, change the number, and then pop up a new website under a different name and you are indeed taken!  BE VERY CAREFUL, a good deal that’s too hard to resist is usually NOT A GOOD DEAL.

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